Productive Meeting
It was an honor and a pleasure to have among us today, Mrs. Fitore Pacolli, who together with the executive director of IADK, Mr. Zenel Bunjaku and the GIGVA group (Informal Group of Active Women and Girls) to hold a meeting in our offices.
The topic of discussion was the possibility of supporting small farmers from the ministry, as well as the creation of a new measure for this category. The participants shared their opinions and discussed the specific needs of farmers, emphasizing the importance of supporting policies that will help in the sustainable development of agriculture.
This meeting served as an important event to share ideas and explore concrete opportunities that will improve the situation of small farmers, giving them more strength and resources to achieve their goals. We are encouraged by the commitment of Mrs. Pacolli to listen to farmers' concerns and work together for effective solutions.
We hope that this meeting will bring tangible results for all those who contribute to agriculture!
The topic of discussion was the possibility of supporting small farmers from the ministry, as well as the creation of a new measure for this category. The participants shared their opinions and discussed the specific needs of farmers, emphasizing the importance of supporting policies that will help in the sustainable development of agriculture.
This meeting served as an important event to share ideas and explore concrete opportunities that will improve the situation of small farmers, giving them more strength and resources to achieve their goals. We are encouraged by the commitment of Mrs. Pacolli to listen to farmers' concerns and work together for effective solutions.
We hope that this meeting will bring tangible results for all those who contribute to agriculture!