Information Sessions on Agricultural Development Held in Lipjan and Leposaviq

The Initiative for the Development of Agriculture in Kosovo (IADK) organized two information sessions on June 18, 2024 in the Municipality of Lipjan and on June 20, 2024 in the Municipality of Leposaviq.

These sessions presented the project "Empowering Rural Communities through Agricultural Development", which is supported by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Pristina (Sida).

This project focuses on the municipalities of Lipjan and Leposaviq, specifically targeting the RAE (Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian) community and other non-majority groups.

During the sessions, the main activities of the project were highlighted:

• Grants for agricultural projects

• Professional and practical agricultural training

• Employment opportunities through partnerships with companies

The aim of the project is to empower rural communities, increase economic growth and promote inclusiveness in the agricultural sector.