Dual system of vocational education in Germany
Kempten and Tübignen
IADK in cooperation with experts Dr. Fröhlich and Mrs. Keßler from the Senior Experten Service has made study visits to the educational institution Molkereischule Kempten, an institution which applies the dual education system and factories which are leaders in the production of dairy products. This education system enables practical work for vocational training and employment of future qualified workers for their companies.
During the visits IADK was closely acquainted with the dual education process and the importance attached to the preparation of qualified professional staff in the sector of various industries with a focus on the dairy industry.
Study visits have been made to various farmers in the sectors of agriculture, livestock, fruit and vegetable processing, family businesses that produce organic products and the University of Hohenheim.
IADK thanks its partners Mr. Rück for the warm hospitality and willingness to help develop the dual education system in Kosovo, experiences which will be applied to food producers in Kosovo.
The activity is supported within the project "Improving employment and income generation opportunities in rural areas of Kosovo", supported by the donor BfdW from Germany.