IADK certifies candidates from the Municipality of Kamenica
On 22.03.2022 the certification ceremony was organized for 10 candidates from the Municipality of Kamenica, who have successfully attended professional training in the processing sector in the program Preservation of fruits, vegetables and similar.
After completing the professional training according to the program validated by the National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and passing the evaluation tests, the candidates have received the qualification: Preseravaton of fruit, vegetable and similar Level III, according to the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) with 4 credit.
The distribution of certificates was done by the Executive Director of IADK, Mr. Zenel Bunjaku, Director of the Municipality of Kamenica, Mr. Shpend Morina, where they congratulated the candidates for their dedication and success shown during the trainings in fruit and vegetable processing.
Part of the training activity was the support of one of the candidates with equipment for processing fruits and vegetables in the amount of € 12,000. The most successful candidate Ibadete Sadiku, will be supported with the line of professional equipment and will be able to develop her business in selling canned products.
The Directorate of Agriculture thanked the IADK organization for the realization of this activity and the continuous assistance provided by the organization in the Municipality of Kamenica in support of women and farmers.
This activity is organized in the project "Improving employment and income generation opportunities in rural areas of Kosovo" funded by Donor BfdW from Germany and co-financed by the Municipality of Kamenica.